Casa João Paulo II
The “Casa João Paulo II” is found in Sanctuary of “São Bento da Porta Aberta” and is available for retreats, seminars, meetings, etc. Request your reservation using the follow [...]
The “Casa João Paulo II” is found in Sanctuary of “São Bento da Porta Aberta” and is available for retreats, seminars, meetings, etc. Request your reservation using the follow [...]
The “Casa do Apostolado” is found in Sanctuary of “São Bento da Porta Aberta” and is available for retreats, seminars, meetings, etc. Request your reservation using the follow [...]
The Chapel of Confessions it’s opened, every days, before and after of the Mass. At the weekends, from 09h00am – 12h00am and from 15h00pm – 16h00pm.
The Adoration Chapel it is opened to every faithful, in every firsts Thursday of month from 15h00pm – 17h00pm, with the exposure of the Blessed Sacrament.
Located in front of the Sanctuary of “São Bento da Porta Aberta” the Park of São Bento covers an area of 2.39 hectares that crossing paths with several physical sp [...]
The Brotherhood from “São Bento da Porta Aberta” received on 29th August, the visit of Secretary of State for Tourism, Dra. Ana Godinho. This visit took place in t [...]
If you are planning to visit the Sanctuary of “São Bento da Porta Aberta”, know that you can organize a guided tour. Please contact us to make an appointment and we will provi [...]
Commemorates on the 11th, the day of Saint Benedict Patron of Europe and 12th July, the day of St. John Gualberto.