In this journey of prayer for peace in Syria, 1st June, we invite all Portuguese children, in schools, parishes or family, to offer a concrete gesture for peace in Syria. An initiative of the Foundation “Ajuda a Igreja que Sofre” tomorrow, International Children’s Day, the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, along with thousands of Christian children of all denominations will gather in various cities such as Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Tartus or Marmarita to pray for peace! Also here in “São Bento da Porta Aberta” whether to pray for peace. There will be celebration of the Eucharist at 10h30am with blessing to all children.
In this journey of prayer for peace in Syria, 1st June, we invite all Portuguese children, in schools, parishes or family, to offer a concrete gesture for peace in Syria.
«The children of our country, Syria, are the little brothers and sisters of the needy boy Jesus. From more than five years suffering wounds, traumas or death because of a bloody war. Many lost their parents and everything they wanted and liked. (…) To Him, Christ, King of the universe, which as a vulnerable child in the arms of his mother holds the world in his hand, we pray thee, ‘Protect and save the children of this country! Listens to our prayers now! Don’t flinch no more to offer peace to our country! Look at the tears of our children, dry the tears of mothers, allows this cry of pain ceases once ”»
Translation of the Message from all Patriarchs from Catholic and Orthodox Church from Síria